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5 Ways to Make Money with MySpace

How to make money with MySpace? Can the average user start making money online on MySpace?… A few questions that many MySpace users would like to know the answer to.
Social networking has been the biggest game changer in the evolution of online socialization. It has changed the way we receive and pass on information. In mere seconds you can send a massage to to hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and that makes the social networking sites a prime market for advertisers who are trying to get their product and services seen by as many people as possible. Companies and business have been making millions of dollars with social networking sites such as MySpace.  
5 Ways to Make Money with MySpace
5 Ways to Make Money with MySpace
But, what about the average user, how can average users like you and I benefit from MySpcae financially? Is there any way that the average Myspace user like you and I can make money on Myspace?…The answer is yes! There are a few easy ways to make money with MySpace that even the average users can use.
1- Sell your own stuff
Like any other social networking site, MySpace is an excellent way to promote your own products or services. Whether you’re a freelance writer, a blogger, an artist, an SEO expert, a musician or what have you, MySpace is a great way to get the word out about your work. The most important point to remember is to not spam people. You want to establish a good relationship with people and become a trusted member, so when people need the kind of service or product you have, they will come to you first.
2- Offer a MySpace related service
There are tons of people out there that can’t do simple things like creating a MySpace account or if they do, they just dont have the time or the patience to do it themselves. You can do this for them for a small fee.
3- Sell MySpace layouts and graphics
A popular way for making money with MySpace is through designing and selling MySpace templates and graphics. MySpace layouts and graphics are always in high demand. If you can design, then why not make money with them. There are two ways to go about this. You can either charge a one time fee for a single product or better yet, you can offer your products as a package in a membership site where a monthly fee will grant people to access all of your products.
4- Sell advertising space
Social networking sites are a magnet for advertisers as they allow them to put their ads in front of highly targeted audience. Obviously, to attract lots of advertisers, you must have a large number of MySpace friends. Don’t wait for advertisers to come to you, go to them and tell them how advertising their products in your MySpace page will benefit them.
5- Affiliate Marketing
One of the most popular ways to make money online is affiliate marketing which can also be used as a way to make money on MySpace. Simply register with a couple of affiliate marketing networks like Clickbank and MaxBounty. Look for product or services that your MySpace friends would be interested in.
It is important not to start your advertising campaign right away. You need to build a relationship with people and show them you are not a spammer. Try to be helpful. Interact with your MySpace friends.
When you know that you have established yourself in your MySpace community, that’s when you can start promoting your affiliate products. You can use bulletins, messages, or comments to post your affiliate links, or you can have them appear as ads on your MySpace blog. There are many ways to do this. You just need to be creative.
The most important factor in succeeding in making money on MySpace and in fact on any other social networking site is traffic and in this case, it means MySpace friends. The more MySpace friends you have, the better your chances of making it. If you have been using MySpace for a while, you might very well have a good number of MySpace friends. But if you are just starting out, then you need to build up your friend count and that can take some time. Of course you can always add new friends by simply searching and requesting others to be your friend.
You can use also use these method to make money on Facebook or Twitter. Remember, nothing of importance is accomplished easy and overnight, specially making money online.
One of the most common reason for majority of people failing in making money online is that they give up right before all of their hard work is about to payoff. You need to work hard and be patient. These two factors combined with a focused attitude towards your goal will be the deciding factors in whether or not you canmake money with MySpace.

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