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5 Easy Tips to Promote your Blog Contents Make your SEO efforts more Effective

If you are serious about your blog, really wants to boost your contents with the hope of big margin of feed back which is understanding as key to success now a days then you have to think and run ahead from your niche competitors.
     Become a leader and act as like a leading person that you can easily generate some rules and regulations for others, people must have to follow them.For example lets assume that you are an internet marketing expert and have a lot of new ideas that can become trending items in your niche industry, more and more people like to follow them, feel an easy access to you for more discussions and consultations, this strategy will force search engines to held enquiry table about your activities to justify that how much you are demanding and in search engine results what place is suitable for you.How it will be done I think you should read my post Top 5 Best Seo Tips How to Ranked Higher in Google Search Results Using Social Media in which you will find how Google positioned you in search results.
   It is a common matter and think able factor for all webmaster community that the huge inclusion of web pages cause of a hard and big competition so it is fix issue that search engine optimization have becoming hard and expensive day by day.There for I wants to strongly suggest you that your each step should be to the point and according to latest search engine changes and updates especially for Google panda and Penguin Updates who strongly recommend you to read and act carefully Google webmaster guidelines.In front all these changes and updates the below five Easy Tips to Promote your Blog Contents and Make your SEO efforts more Effective will be helpful.
 1.Set your targets for your Content Strategies.Your blogging efforts depends upon your content era, I mean what is in your mind, in which direction your contents can flow, where your related audience who can evaluate your shared items and they feel happy to convey your messages to others.For this you should prepared your mind to surf your energies to search for related community for your contents maximum exposure.
 2.Select Targeted Keywords For your Headlines and Blog Posts.Before writing a blog post keep it in your mind that about what you are writing and what your related audience wants to hear from you.In other words you have to search for trending keywords that can generate huge search volume but less competitive, they really help you to optimize your Blog posts, Creative Headings, Articles, Tags, Meta Data, with targeted keywords.it will create a lot of chances for your contents that they can surely appear in search results.
 3.Integrate Social media with your Social Profiles.Set your each blog post by adding appropriate social media icons to your page below your blog posts.Connect all your social accounts with each other as when you and your readers share posts with their own social networks, so the contents will spread through all social giants with in very short time and frequently.
 4.Interlink your Old blog Posts with New Posts.Write each new blog post with a little reference of your old blog posts as you can add their links to new post  while it is good to generate more view for old and have a positive SEO Impact.
 5.Build Your Business Pages Google +1 Page.You must contribute to the social activities by creating your business pages like Google G+1, Facbook page etc and invite other social members by sending an invitation letter or emails to them with a short brief about your blogging purposes that they come to your page and see what are you doing


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