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LinkedIn recently launches a New Feature New LinkedIn Targeted Status Update

The New LinkedIn Status Update recently launched by LinkedIn to help there instant users to convey their company's new announcements to their targeted audience.So the users can deliver their highly relevant contents to those people who are really engaged in searching of their required informations relevant to shared items,that users can directly communicate with their company's followers for a fully brief conservation about their contents.The new LinkedIn targeted Status Update tool makes online social marketing more easy and relevant.
About The new LinkedIn targeted Status Update Tool.You just simply sign in to your LinkedIn account and go to your company page and click on Add followers button below it Update and Share, Now choose the Targeted audience.
In the next appeared specify targeted audience box choose employees by checking the appropriate box in this tab.
LinkedIn Social media internet marketing
In this tab you can target the update by company size by checking the different box for different ranges and you can also target in other menu tabs on the top of this box.
Now after selecting your targeted audience your company's followers will be able to see you updates on their homepage and also for that visitors who visits your company page on LinkedIn
LinkedIn also offers for a graphical status update report for your shared posts which will be available in next 24 hours that will give you the informations about your posts behavior, engagements, impression and posts performence.To check your status you can simply check in "Follower's Statistics" in your dash board.


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