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Amazon Interacts Bing Bing a default Search Engine for Amazon's new Tablet Kindle Fire HD

User's Search ExperienceBing Bing's new attempt to engage more it's user's (SEOs, Marketers and other internet surfers) search experience by doing an aggressive positioning struggle to get people to try Bing. Amazon interacts Bing by making it a default search engine for new Kindle fire HD.On 6 September Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos making an announcement to unveil the Amazon's latest series of Kindle Fire by boasting Bing as it's primary search engine.

   Now Bing will be the default engine for silk browser on new kindle. However kindle makes it's users able  to choose a different browser.As all previous kindle tablets boasted Google as having their primary search engine but also evolving other browsers including Google chrome that work at the choice of kindle owners that they can change their default browser.  A more interesting feature is all previous kindles operate customize version of Android, GMOS Google's mobile operating system but the latest Kindle Fire an Android power device not using Google's services.Amazon provides Bing a chance to win a new user as people can navigate to Google.com for search on their own choice but as Bing works as a default browser for Kindle Fire HD so the company helps in improving Bing user's search experience.
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   Bing also adopts other more attempting struggles in order to improve it's user's search experience nearly through out all types of search platforms most notably Bing's working on windows 8 to add unique search experience for windows 8 devices.Actually Bing is seriously committed to bring a brand base awareness to messes in case of encouraging people to try out Bing instead of Google.So Bing thinks about more inclusion to trendy search opportunities like new kindle tablet and windows 8 for public.    

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