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Footer Links Google's New Webmaster Guidelines for Distrubuted Footer Links

As on October 3, 2012 Google has already updated Google webmaster Guidelines to add some more to pay a deeper attention on specific topics that never before covered in Webmaster Guidlines.Most of  Webmaster Guideliness aro not considered to a new thing for users but what webmasters and SEOs found to be interesting and important in these revised webmaster guidelines so let's see on following what is important.

  • Rich Snippet guidelines has been added.
  • The link schemes adds (1) Building partner pages exclusively for the sake of cross-linking, (2) Using automated programs or services to create links to your site, (3) Text advertisements that pass PageRank and (4) Links that are inserted into articles with little coherence.
  • Keyword stuffing includes "Blocks of text listing cities and states a webpage is trying to rank for."
  • Added, "exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link."
So in front these changes the one important factor for webmasters and SEOs that I wants point out is Google's new strategy about LinkScheme that oftenly called as Footer Links,

From a recent forum thread to know "what is Widely distributed links in the footers of various sites" I mean look at ShoeBuy or UrbanSpoon you will see the partenes links at their footer, do you see.

WebmasterWorld administrator, incrediBILL, said, "I think branded links are perfectly valid because the quantity of people using that brand is a clear signal of popularity." 
A thread on Webmaster World tells that:

The Google's new Linking Schemes pages honestly is not very different from the old. They simply inserted a some more examples of what the old page already "implied" was a violation. 

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