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Twitter's New Survey Tool for Advertisers to Enhance Ads Campaigns

A few days ago Twitter has already announces a new survey tool for it's advertisers through which Twitter wants too help advertisers and marketers for their brands measure and understand the value of those campaigns to make the invester's investments more prominent that they surf in Twitter’s Promoted Products. Some users will see a survey tweet asking them to fill the form , and if they click on it, the message will expand within their timeline, and trigger a brief series of questions. Nielsen a co partener of twitter to analyze survay user response.

Twitte Says about taking the user's survey for it's new survey tool..

This is a native experience for the user, and we believe it will give brands better insights to determine purchase intent, overall awareness, and other advertising metrics and analytics that can lead to greater engagement on Twitter.
Twitter working with collabration of some advertinsers and marketers to make possible for taking the current twitter feature to more advertisers as they are hopping for goodness.

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