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Google Analytics Site Monitoring and Visualize Data Using Google analytics Features

From the web experts opinion Google Analytics is considered to be an excellent tool for site monitoring and tracking data to measure your ROI. Google analytics becomes more powerfull and tricky with the eddition of every new feature from Google but with some complexibility.Here the four new in Google Analytics Features that you ever not facing till now.

1.Page Speed and Timing. Google added Page Timings in analytics that can be found in content menu to allow users check the average loading speed and time for each page of their site.

Analytics users will get information about the average page load time, in seconds, which allows you to quickly pinpoint the offending pages that are getting a decent number of page views.

The report will tell users the number of times Google has crawled this page to get the Average Page Load Time of page veiws, average page load time, mostly visited pages.

2.In Page Analytics visitors page interaction. Let's you to inform about how your visitors interacts with your page as analytics user can use In-page analytics in content section that will reports to site owner for average percentage of visitors can see various sections of the page.

You just click on Click on the Browser Size button, next to Show color and under the metrics. You can navigate your site like you would normally do in a browser and the data will refresh.

3.Network Reports and Records.Google Analytics records a variety of technographics for per visit to your site, things like screen resolution, operating system, etc.They also record the Network of the visit, and you can find the current feature in GA audience section.Most of the networks listed will be Internet service providers (ISPs), but you will also see company names for offices large enough.

4.All Traffic Visualize Site Data with Motion Chart. A very interesting way to look to your site data in Google Analytics.A motion chart is just another way to visualize your data. Motion charts are available for only selected reports in Google Analytics. Motion charts show the same data available in the standard tables.Motion chart analyze all channels that are driving visitors and their content consumption is the Motion Chart option, which you can activate by clicking on the bubble icon above the data.

Motion chart fuctionally use 5 dimensions visualize your data that are..
  1. Metric Visits X Axis.
  2. Verticale Metric Page viewa per second Y Axis.
  3. Metric to Bubbles size variation.
  4. Metric represented by unique colors of the dots.
  5. Time period (default dimension).
On the activation of chart, the size and location will vary according to the metrics you’ve defined as they change over time.

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