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IApple's New Opperating System for iOS 6 replaced Google Will Create its own Map Apps

Now Apple's new operating system iOS 6 has been replaced with mapping engine, "that all previous iOS were powered by Google" for all latest versions of Apple Iphones and Ipads.But mostly someone asking negatively for new change especially Google Maps users via IApple.Like lookat the following statement..

So against of it Google's latest official statment for releasing its own Google Map Application whether if some wants to would have Google map apps for his new iOS 6 then what Google will do in upcoming.
We believe Google Maps are the most comprehensive, accurate and easy-to-use maps in the world. Our goal is to make Google Maps available to everyone who wants to use it, regardless of device, browser, or operating system.    

So from the clearence of above statement it seems like that Google disturbingly wants it own map application for new Iapple iOS 6.but the current agreement looked happenedly pending for unknown that why not and when in future.
  But I thnik all it depends on public current feedback and demand for "either Apple's new iSO 6 or Google's newly released Map App for iOS 6"  in case of enforcement to IApple to decide for upcoming circumstances, whether IApple block it or not, and if Iapple have have to blocking it then will Google holding back for some strange reasons. 

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