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Using Multiple Google Adword Accounts Perfectly Fine For Multiple Businesses

Due to a lot of misclarification and misinformation about the issue "is having multiple adwords accounts be a right thing or a cuase of penalizing due to SEM/PPC violation."On several webmaster forums it has been noted for people making a thread to get some clarification about using the multiple Adwords acount. And often in reply experts making a statement such like as... or you may find here 

     Recently at a forum discusion the current issue run to eliminate the confusions about using multiple Adwords account and in deep briefing the Adwords team said that:
It is perfectly fine for a corporation to have multiple accounts. Our adwords advisor has said this on several occasions. As long as you do not violate the double serving policy, its all fine. 
In additon if you have multiple businesses in which you have controlling interest, and try to double server this way, you will also be violating the double serving policy. 
I'm not sure what the policy is for individuals, but I assume it would be the same for a corporation. 
But the driving factor behind the number of accounts, is not the number of accounts itself but the double serving policy.
Surely Google wants to give more user experience to it's advertisers and costumers who were precisingly worried about about multiple accounts and double the policy.In case of any advertiser who wants to promote multiple products as an affiliate or a merchant might want to run separate accounts for reporting purposes and there are sound reasons for doing that. 
It becomes an issue if you are trying to redeem multiple Adwords Vouchers, re-list banned ads/campaigns 
Legit reasons and there never has and never will be issues for having multiple accounts. 

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