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PPC Bidding Why you Need to Bid On PPC Campaigns for a Big Brand

often during the analysis of search results (SERPs) a question is being raised in our minds why some websites url's performing on first pages which although having not good pr, content and quality back links, still they are in first page. There are lots of queries where some big brands url's are performing and usually experts found to be hard to answer that question.
    But by going into a deep analysis to catch the competitors in a big race for the sites performing on the first of Google search results a wise strategy come to seen a lot of big brands spend millions of dollars on paid advertisement (PPC campaigns and management) even on tv commercials this leads to people organically suffered into a brief discussion about them and linking to them. So like this they successfully have a large amount of back links. Also these big brand websites have a huge amount of type-in traffic, that leads to very attractive usage signals. When you add in the contests they often run which generates huge volumes of user generated content, reviews and the teams of editorial writers they often employ - they often have good content signals. Even if they are lacking in one ranking area their other ranking areas are often strong enough to compensate.
    Here's a question that I wants to discuss with you is...

"If a brand already occupies #1 for their core brand terms, why should we need to bid on PPC campaigns for brand terms also?" if you have any complement it's my pleasure if you share it with me in comment box.In my point of view there several things to do this..

1.The first one and most important is to get more real estate on the result page for which you are bidding. Obviously it will help to get more clicks for PPC and natural results when you have both an ad and a regular listing. Frankly, I don't know if that's true but if you have both, you double your chances of getting a click somehow. 

2.Gaining of more factual data for future to expand your marketing sense and experience from your campaigns, In case of having statical report for how many people did search for that term? PPC will tell you for sure. 

3.It will make it easy for you to test your different headlines and descriptions very easily and quickly. And again, having real data to fall on to improve your ads which could be used for SEO too. 

4.You can bid on keywords in PPC that you don't rank for in organics. 

Maybe others can come up with more but these would be the biggest ones that I can think of. Wheather
 If you have a term where a page already ranking high in the organics, it will also better to  run PPC on the term but use an automated rule to keep the ad lower on the page. If the search contains the actual brand name, CTR is strong and the CPC goes down to the point that it costs us very little to run ads on brand name searches.  

It is common to seen by analytics experts that both the ad and the organic listing get clicks, although it's not my experience that ads convert better. Sometimes yes, but sometimes no; it can go either way.  

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